About Fort Wayne Metro USBC
President: Missi Lewis, Vice President: Dan Borne, Association Manager: Michael McIntyre
Adam Bridges, Micah David, Jeff Feasel, Terry Hakes, John Henry, Jr., Michael McIntyre, Taylor Rossi, Whisper Showe, K.C. Spillers, Jeff Stahl, Gregory Starks, and Jennifer Willett
Fort Wayne Metro USBC Directors
BACK ROW (L/R): K.C. Spillers, Jennifer Willett, Adam Bridges, Curt Goringe, Jeff Feasel, Terry Hakes, Gregory Starks
MIDDLE ROW (L/R): Michael McIntyre, Whisper Showe, Micah David
FRONT ROW (L/R): Pres. Missi Lewis, V.P. Dan Borne
NOT PICTURED: John Henry, Jr., Taylor Rossi, Jeff Stahl
Information For Board Applicants
Board Requirements:
- At least 2 years experience as an officer or director on a previous board, when running for the President’s position.
- Adult: Must be a USBC member in good standing of the association at the time of election and throughout their term.
- Youth: USBC youth member bowling in USBC leagues within the association’s jurisdiction.
- Must be able to pass the “Registered Volunteer Program” background check in order to work with youth bowlers. Must understand and follow the RVP Code of conduct. (registeredvolunteers@bowl.com)
Applicant forms must be postmarked by the deadline listed on the application. The Nominating Committee will call applicants for interviews.
Responsibilities of the President:
- Presides at all meetings.
- Acts as spokesperson for the association.
- Appoints committees with Board approval.
- Vice President:
- Presides at all meetings when the President is absent.
- Performs other duties as prescribed by the Board or requested by the President.
Responsibilities of the Directors:
- Along with the officers, directors shall not engage in any acts constituting a conflict of interest.
- Serve on committees as designated by the President.
- Conduct championship level competition for adults and youth.
- Enforce the bylaws and comply with the USBC Association Policy Manual.
- Select/hire the Association manager.